The initiative started ahead of International Menstrual Hygiene Day, being celebrated today, March 28, 2020. It is an initiative taken by United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to talk about periods and menstrual hygiene.
These are uncertain times we are living through - we’ve all had to make changes in our lives. While so much has happened so fast, one aspect of a girl’s life has not changed – she still gets her period every month, with even more challenges due to the lockdown and restrictions.
This can be a lonely time for her as menstruation is rarely discussed openly. Most girls have their first period with little knowledge of what is happening.
Periods don’t stop for pandemics, and neither should our support for young girls.
#MenstruationMatters, always, Raise awareness of periods.
Show that SHE matters to you.
Encourage her to open up and share her story.
No girl should go through this experience alone.
“The red dot challenge aims at busting myths and promote facts on menstrual hygiene, collectively inspiring all–men, boys, women and girls to candidly talk about menstruation, ” Michael Juma, chief of state, UNICEF
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