Why in Leoism

Who is a Leo?
 An individual infused with passion for Leoism.

What is Leoism?
The Lions movement is widely known and esteemed, its youth movement is Leo Club.
 While the Leo movement runs parallel with Lions movement, Leo Club’s operating style
 runs parallel to a corporate. Every point in Leoism preaches, Life is one big balancing act
 and every Leo practices how to do it right; incase of an imbalance there isn’t much to lose
 while experiences gained and lessons learnt are priceless. Leoism either enables to gain
 experience out of opportunity & Leadership or enables to gain Leadership qualities out 
of the opportunities & experience while constantly standing for Leadership, Experience
 & Opportunity.

Passion for Leoism is evoked on being a part of a team, working day in day out heading a
 service project and thereafter witnessing the glee on the beneficiaries’ faces, that subsequently
 makes us realise their plight, encouraging us to take action on a larger scale and in turn increasing 
the level of enthusiasm towards Leoism.Passion for Leoism is evoked when we put our heart &
 soul in executing & bringing up an event, looking after the registrations, decor, food arrangements, 
venue, technical details and much more, which finally gets the sense of satisfaction & accomplishments
.   Passion for Leoism is evoked when we nurture the Club like it’s our baby, when we work selflessly 
to make the club scale greater heights.And during this journey, we aren’t always successful. At times 
our endeavours fail, and to your astonishment we’d say, failing is the best part cause this institution
 of Leoism gives us the grace to fail, opportunity to learn and enhance ourselves. Leoism is much
 more than appreciation certificates to be highlighted on CV or attending parties. Leoism is more 
like an inexplicable emotion, which can’t be known until experienced. LEO Club is the largest 
youth club of voluntary character in the world, with 7,030 Leo Clubs, present in 151 countries 
with over 170,000 members…& still counting!Join us in making a difference! As a Leo, you’ll
 join a local group of youth who are working together to strengthen your community as a means,
 to develop oneself, as the end. You’ll also be part of something bigger—a worldwide network
 of dedicated volunteers in over 7,030 clubs. Be the difference, Be A Leo!
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